Andre Alexis accuses David Gilmour of Racism
I met with Andre Alexis to discuss his novella, A (BookThug, 2013). During our conversation we hit, among other things, on literary criticism, book reviewing, ‘Good’ and ‘Baddeley’ literary critics, and David Gilmour and his GG Award winning novel A Perfect Night to go to China, and Alexis’s contention that racism is contained in the chapter in this novel entitled “The Pigeon”.
Please note that, as a condition of making the recording of this conversation public, Alexis’s essay entitled “Of a Smallness in the Soul” is being made readily available (as it is right here) to visitors to this web page…and that the point is being made, clearly, that this essay is Alexis’s argument for (or demonstration of) the racism contained in …David Gilmour’s chapter entitled “The Pigeon”, from his novel, The Perfect Order of Things.”