Ashley Obscura on Metatron, Publishing and the Millennial Mind
“Ashley Obscura is a Canadian-Mexican writer, publisher and editor. She is the author of the poetry collections Ambient Technology and I Am Here (Metatron, 2014) and four digital poetry projects: LIGHGHT, How to Be A Rainbow, Aura Halo and Oh, Inverted Universe. The founder and managing editor of Metatron Press, Obscura currently lives in Montreal, Quebec where she holds a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and Professional Writing.”
We met at her new offices in Montreal and talked about, among other things, smart phones, Saskatoon and open skies, Montreal and multi-culturalism, Concordia University’s Creative Writing Program, others’ doubt as good ammunition, creating space, new forms of digital poetry, Alt Lit Gossip, how the Internet benefits upstart publishers and poets, Wild “This is happening whether you like it or not” literary readings, making poetry accessible, ambition among Millennials, “Follow your dreams” advice, Rupi Kaur, Instagram poetry, nostalgia, relationships with authors, sex in your twenties, menstruation, vulnerability, poetry and freedom, the importance of publishing poets at the start of their careers, teaching poetry, and mentors.Â