Major Spoilers Comic Book Podcast

The podcast for pop culture and comic book fans. Each week the panel of comic book enthusiasts take a look at current titles, collected trades, and give their take on current pop culture news.

MSP#96: The Bonus Podcast

The Bonus Podcast

In this issue: TOM WELLING PRIME PUNCH!! More meatloaf, more meatloaf, more meatloaf! Hot chicks in armored bikinis! Plus: A podcast where apes evolved from men? The Mayor is back in harness, but where’s Michael J. Fox? And two guys from the sixties fight it out to see who’s hairpiece is supreme… Come with me, and you’ll be in our world of pure imagination, where the snozzberries taste like snozzberries, no wangdoodles come to scoop you up and eat you, and you can’t go backwards… got to go forwards to go back. Better to press on…


Connor Kent Returns


Meet the New Thor and Batgirl



Mark Smith, creator of the New Brighton Archeological Society writes in.



Witchblade Annual 2009

(W) Jay Faerber, Joshua Cozine, Joe Henderson        (A) Eric Basaldua, Sheldon Mitchell      (Cov) Eric Basaldua, Sami Basri

Presenting the first ever Witchblade Annual issue, complete with a new, original self-contained story by writer Jay Faerber and artist Eric Basaluda. Includes a second bonus story! Beautiful women all over the city are killing men they don’t even know, and then claiming they don’t even remember the events. When Sara and partner Gleason are assigned to investigate the case, they’re thrown head-first into the dangerous and deadly world of… plastic surgery?

Plus an additional story featuring Ian Nottingham by newcomers Joshua Cozine & Joe Henderson, and artist Sheldon Mitchell (Freshmen Summer Special).


Ex Machina #41

Written by Brian K. Vaughan; Art by Tony Harris and Jim Clark; Cover by Tony Harris

It’s the beginning of a new storyline – one that will finally reveal the true source of the Great Machine’s strange powers! As New Year’s Eve approaches, Mayor Mitchell Hundred makes a shocking announcement while the retired Super Hero’s past returns to haunt Times Square.


The Literals #1 (of 3)

Written by Bill Willingham and Matthew Sturges ; Art by Mark Buckingham and Andrew Pepoy ; Cover by Mark Buckingham

Part 3 of “The Great Fables Crossover”! If you’re a reader of JACK OF FABLES, then you’re familiar with The Literals – an extended family of characters who literally embody literary notions. It’s also very possible that one of The Literals may have created all of the Fables plus the universe in which they reside, unbeknownst to our beloved Fables.


Television Icons square off in this installment of the Major Spoilers Poooooolllll of the Week! Offered up by loyal Major Spoilerite Lifeisaglitch, this week we send into the ring two classic and beloved actors; Adam West, best known for his role as Batman in the 1960’s television series, and William Shatner, who has already been the target of our poll in the past (yeah, get your mind out of the gutter). Two will enter, one will leave. Who will it be?


A) Adam West

B) William Shatner



Skye Asks:

I think it could be interesting to have a discussion about comic book subscriptions. I can see several facets:

The different ways you can get a subscriptions – pull lists, direct subscriptions, dcbs and other online services.

The ways the various publishers offer subscriptions.

The effect on comic shops.

How popular are they?

How timely are they – I sometimes get issues 3-4 weeks after they have been officially released from Marvel but usually 1-2 weeks after release. DC (although I think DC subscriptions are a third party) is always about 4 weeks after release.

Contact us at

Music from this episode comes from Armin Brewer (intro) and James Kennison (closing) from the Nobody’s Listening Podcast. A big thanks to both of these guys for creating kick-ass music for the show!

A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.

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